Putting the odds on your side with PICSI™ dish


Successful conception could start here

Embryologists have long known that better sperm selection can improve fertility outcomes.

The PICSITM dish allows for the selection of mature spermatozoa with better DNA quality for intracytoplasmic sperm injection.1-3 Hyaluronan-based selection of sperm for ICSI could be considered as part of the treatment plan for advanced-age couples and patients with previous unsuccessful ICSI attempts.1,4

Dr. Nazar Alsammraie, a senior embryologist from Iraq, sat down with us to discuss how he has experienced the PICSI™ dish difference.

After observing high DNA fragmentation and recurrent IVF failure among his patients, Dr. Alsammraie turned to the PICSI™ dish in the hope of achieving better outcomes.

He found that using the PICSI™ dish was not only easy, but that it also provided a marked advantage as sperm selection with hyaluronan mimics the natural mechanisms of sperm selection in vivo.1

Proven patient outcomes

Since incorporating the PICSI™ dish into his practice, Dr. Alsammraie has been able to help patients with a history of unsuccessful IVF cycles to finally achieve their dreams of conception.

He proudly recalls one such couple who had already undergone four failed IVF cycles.

After using the PICSI™ dish to select viable spermatozoa, “We transferred two embryos, and the patient is [four months] pregnant now.”

Watch our interview with Dr. Alsammraie to learn how the PICSI dish has improved his IVF protocol and how it can do the same for your clinic.


Discover the PICSI™ dish difference

Sperm selection using the PICSI dish significantly decreases miscarriage rates and helps to mitigate the poor prognosis usually ascribed to “advanced maternal age” compared to standard ICSI.1

Learn more about PICSI dish here.

HBA, Hyaluronan Binding Assay; PICSI, Physiological Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection.


  1. West R, et al. (2022) Sperm selection with hyaluronic acid improved live birth outcomes among older couples and was connected to sperm DNA quality, potentially affecting all treatment outcomes. Hum Reprod. 30;37(6):1106-1125.
  2. Huszar, G, et al. (2006) Hyaluronic acid binding ability of human sperm reflects cellular maturity and fertilizing potential:  selection of sperm for intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 18:260-267.
  3. Yagci A, et al. (2010) Spermatozoa bound to solid state hyaluronic acid show chromatin structure with high DNA chain integrity: an acridine orange fluorescence study.
    J Androl. 31(6):566-72.
  4. Scaruffi, P, et al. (2022) Hyaluronic acid-sperm selection significantly improves the clinical outcomes of couples with previous ICSI cycles failure. Andrology. 10;677-685.

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