PGT Misdiagnosis Rates

PGT Misdiagnosis Rates

Catch up on this insightful session of our Journal Club, which presented clinical error rates with single thawed euploid embryo transfer diagnosed by next generation sequencing (NGS) and array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH). After summarizing the aims, methodology and key findings from the study, Santiago Munné, PhD – co-author of the paper – answered questions from attendees of the journal club participants in a discussion moderated by Tony Gordon, PhD and David Chrimes, PhD.

Friedenthal J, et al. Clinical error rates of next generation sequencing and array comparative genomic hybridization with single thawed euploid embryo transfer. (2020) Eur J Med Genet. Jan 20:103852


Santiago Munn

Santiago Munné PhD

Center of Reproductive Medicine of the Maastricht University Medical Center


David Chrimes PhD

Director of Global Genomics Business Development, CooperSurgical

Tony Gordon

Tony Gordon PhD

Senior Director, Clinical Strategy and Market Development, CooperSurgical

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